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MKIII Supras




Cygnus Tech

Groupama Saga

After 10 years of owning the 7M-GTE powered grey Supra turbo I felt it was time to take on a new project, a blank canvas if you like to increase my knowledge and keep my interest going.

To do this on the 1st of August 2007 I became the proud owner of a slightly younger MK3 Supra in the form of a 1jz powered 2.5 Twin Turbo Aero Limited.

2.5tt side BBS

This is the imported JZA70 model finished in a virtually pristine factory pearlescent white coach work.

Being the import model the car is fitted with pretty much all the toys, full electrics, TEMS, cruise, half suede & leather upholstery, torsion diff, folding mirrors, digital dashboard, premium speaker system & a whole bunch of other JDM equipment we didn’t get in the UK.

2.5tt engine

Equipped with a well looked after 1jz power plant there is plenty to learn here!  The car came with a second engine to build up to something a bit special as time and money allows.

Twin Turbo Technics Hybrids help the car breath nicely.  With a fuel controller, injectors and MAP this engine will see well over 400HP with room to spare.

Currently fitted with an auto box a manual will be bolted on soon.

Electronic wise everything is pretty much stock at present.  ICE systems and AV systems all need to be fitted.  A new trunk install is required to accept the roof panel.

As the dismal UK climate allows, various systems new and improved old ones will be fitted into the vehicle in doing so enabling me to learn more about the 1jz supra and allowing me to share that knowledge with other owners as with the 7M.

2.5 + 3.0 rear
2.5tt digi

Along the way I’m also hoping to crack a few mysteries of the famous digital dash!

The first task so far has included relighting the scales on the front of the displays using LED technology of coarse!

Also under way is the AV system and external LED lighting upgrade.

As things progress I shall update the site as well as continuing to add to my how to section and post up any other information I feel could be of use to the Supra community.

This car sadly suffered a prang and, at the fate of Groupama insurance company has been needlessly written off.

To follow the insurance claim saga CLICK HERE  It’s well worth a read so people can understand just how much we are controlled and screwed over by these quangos in control.

A replacement vehicle has been found however, same vehicle, same spec and utterly rust free!!  Details can be found HERE.

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